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I believe in the 21st century the historical revisionism that we should be performing on most fields of history, the most eras of history, would be the second type.

We are taught that pre Columbian peoples were peaceful fairies that lived in harmony with nature.

We are taught that Islam is the religion of peace that spreads peacefully, and crusaders are brutal, savage monsters with no humanity.

We are taught that the Europeans Achieved nothing in all of their wealth. Inventions are because of theft from the third world. (Which Doesn't make any sense. How would a poor People conquer an extremely wealthy People and steal all their stuff and the rich people would not be able to fight back, or at the very least, become wealthy again.)

Lies are shoved down our throats in modern day academic institutions. I know many on the left would say that there must be a reason why most academics are leftist.That of all these people who spend decades in the field, come to the same conclusion, they must be right. But this is far from the case, modern academics when it comes to history are mentally challenged

I was in a college human rights class. My professor was 48 years old and she'd spent the last 15 years teaching. She had the students pick a human rights violation from the 1st 50 years, the 21st century. Explain what it is and explain how it went against the UN Charter of Human Rights and I picked Unit 731…. and I explained in front of the class in detail the dehydration experiments of the japanese I could tell right away that my professor knew nothing. All of this was new information to her. She may have known that Japan invaded China, but she knew nothing else. In her decades in the academic field, she does not have basic knowledge of World War 2 And yet she and so many other ignorant professors have the fucking audacity to lecture their students on history for hours.

We need to take the cleaver to the academic field ASAP.

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